August 14, 2022
“...and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)
Are you feeling hopeless in your circumstances?
Always remember: When we can’t always see God’s hand in our current circumstances, we can trust HIS Heart. We can choose to believe and trust Romans 8:28 when our God promises us that He will “work all things together for the good for those who love God & are called according to His purpose”. The reality is that we have lived in an imperfect world since Adam and Eve sinned against God when they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. On that day mankind was banished from the Tree of Life that God intended for us. We won’t see the Tree of Life again until we are reunited with Him in the new Jerusalem when Eden is restored (Revelations 21-22).
The good news is that we get to choose how we live this life between two gardens. We can choose to have freedom from our feelings through the power of His Holy Spirit. We can choose to look at our lives through the lens of God’s eyes (The Tree of Life) instead of our own (The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil). We can choose to allow God to rule over our hearts instead of our feelings. Our faith and hope do not come from our situations or feelings, but instead come from Jesus and His promises in His Word. He is the solid rock that we stand upon when our feelings lie to us. Be encouraged today that God is trustworthy, and He is always faithful in the promises of His Word. He promises to work all things together for our good no matter what we are facing, and to help us in the waiting. To have freedom from our feelings, we must be willing to trust His Word.
(John 8:32, Romans 8:28, Genesis 2:8,15-17, Genesis 3:1-6, Revelations 21-22)
Kayla McFarland